Monday, November 19, 2012

Words to Express

Let's listen to Hey Jude by the Beatles
 and see what we hear!

Back to the Present and Remembering Idioms:
Listen to the song, fill in the blanks, and follow the instructions to complete the form.

Please make sure you answer all of the questions, click on "Submit," and watch the video at the bottom.

Good luck and enjoy!

Check out this creative video idea 
by Lyrical Flowcharts:

Bonus: Find a song with idioms 
to share with the class! 

Thank you and have a great day 

Monday, February 6, 2012

Internationally Known

Click on the following links to complete the exercises:

*Please remember - After each exercise, you must click on the 'back' arrow to return to his page.*

Peer Gynt is a play by Henrik Ibsen, Norway's most famous playwright. It was written in 1867, and first performed in Christiania (now Oslo) on February 24, 1876. To listen to the story, click here - do you recognize the music by famous Scandinavian composer Edvard Grieg?

3) Read the timetable and answer the questions - can you guess which country it belongs to?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Magic Past

Click on the picture to find and complete the exercises:

Click on the following links for more past simple practice:

*Don't forget to click on the 'back' arrow to return to this page.

1) The Frog Prince

Click on the following links for past progressive practice:

Good luck and have fun!