Asking for and giving advice.
Here are some examples of problems that some people experience. Read them and follow these instructions:
1. Choose one of the following advice letters.
2. Choose one partner.
All advice letters and answers should be at least one paragraph long (3 or more sentences)
Advice letter A:
How can I make them like me more?
My group of friends are awesome and really cool but I really don't think they like me. I try to be more fun but being depressed most days of the week doesn't help. How can I be more lively and confident around my friends so they'll hopefully like me more?
Erica, 14
Advice letter B:
How do I stop her shoplifting?
I think my friend shoplifts. She admitted to me she has before. I told her the dangers and she said she won't do it anymore, but I think she just said that to stop me going on at her about it. How do I find out if she is still doing it and how do I stop her?
Henry, 16
Advice letter C:
I'm moving away.
I'm going on exchange to France for a year, so I'll be there without family or friends. I'm not sure how to make friends when I get there. My host family seems nice, but I'm not sure how I can make friends at a new school in a different language when I don't even have a host sister my age.
Alice, 15
Here are some examples of problems that some people experience. Read them and follow these instructions:
1. Choose one of the following advice letters.
- Write a response to the advice letter you have chosen. Use at least 5 modals.
2. Choose one partner.
- Write a letter asking for advice. You may write about any problem whether it is real or not.
- Exchange letters with your partner.
- Answer your partner's advice letter. Use at least 5 modals.
All advice letters and answers should be at least one paragraph long (3 or more sentences)
Advice letter A:
How can I make them like me more?
My group of friends are awesome and really cool but I really don't think they like me. I try to be more fun but being depressed most days of the week doesn't help. How can I be more lively and confident around my friends so they'll hopefully like me more?
Erica, 14
Advice letter B:
How do I stop her shoplifting?
I think my friend shoplifts. She admitted to me she has before. I told her the dangers and she said she won't do it anymore, but I think she just said that to stop me going on at her about it. How do I find out if she is still doing it and how do I stop her?
Henry, 16
Advice letter C:
I'm moving away.
I'm going on exchange to France for a year, so I'll be there without family or friends. I'm not sure how to make friends when I get there. My host family seems nice, but I'm not sure how I can make friends at a new school in a different language when I don't even have a host sister my age.
Alice, 15
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